We invest in the present as we believe in the future

The strength of a company specialized in environmental quality can be measured also by the completeness of the technical solutions that it can offer. Ecoteam recognizes the efficiency of the existing methods of treatment. Meanwhile it invests in research, to develop even more advanced solutions and to reduce the impact of production processes.


2021 News N°3

2021: New order in the aeronautical sector


2020-Oct: Scraped type heat pump evaporator model ECOCR1500 destination France

2022 News N°4

2022-March: Evaporator with mechanical vapor recompression, the new model gives excellent results in terms of electricity consumption

2021 News N°4

New order for 3,000 l/d heat pump scraped evaporator

2022 News N°3

2022-March: Ecoteam approves the 2021 financial statements, a result in line with previous years

2022 News N°2

2022-March: New contract for a zero discharge purification plant in the aeronautical sector

2022 News N°1

2022-March: New Order from international customer (4th plant with Ecoteam)

Export 3

2015-October: Delivered evaporator ECOCV30000 for Russian federation

Export 2

2015-October: Delivered supply for UEA

Italy N°2

2015-October: Successfully started Automotive wastewater plant

2021 News N°5

New order for 2 vacuum evaporators with mechanical vapor recompression


Ecoteam share capital at 1.000.000 Euro i.v.
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