M.V.R. Evaporator unit

Crystalization unit


Demineralization unit

Zero Liquid Discharge
Water recovery
Wastewater treatment


Ecoteam has created Zero Liquid Discharge systems on wastewater from processes of:

  • Aeronautic 
  • Automotive
  • Mechanics (Oily emulsion)
  • Plating
  • Non-destrucive processes
  • Nodic oxidation
  • Coating
  • Electrolitic zink plating

Zero Liquid Discharge” (ZLD) identifies industrial wastewater treatment plants which have no external discharge on the surface or into sewers, but only occasional disposals by lorry.

ZLD is a treatment philosophy originating from a deep knowledge of the production cycle and allows the “complete” recovery of otherwise wasted water, through several steps of treatment.

The main steps leading to the recovery of solutions or rinse water are:

1) Optimization of the prodcution cycle

2) Recovery of exhausted solutions

3) Effluents treatment

4) Concentration by evaporation


The physical law that "nothing is created and nothing is destroyed, but all is transformed" is the basic principle upon which a ZLD treatment works.


More in detail, the above concept can be explained throught the following steps:

1 - Reducing the amount of discharged pollutants from the production cycle to the treatment plant brings a consistent reduction of the sludge and concentrated salts produced at the end of the line.

This can be done by:

§  Limiting the drag-out

§  Keeping the chemical solutions under control

§  Using specific treatment units which extend the chemical solutions lifetime.

2 - Use purification systems of the solutions, whose purpose is to remove specific pollutants that generate pollution.

Some examples are:
Systems of oil removal from solutions of degreasing

Systems of removal of specific pollutants from heavy metals

Specific removal systems

3 - Specific wastewater treatment which allows the waste reuse in production processes.

4 - The concentration by evaporation's technology allows to concentrate solutions up to a density very close to the crystallization's one (Density> 1.2 kg / liter).

ZLD treatment plants produce:

- A slurry (Sludge), mainly made of metal hydroxides, which has a dry matter content of not less than 25%

- Liquid concentrates of dissolved salts or even crystals

 This liquid mainly consists in inorganic compounds such as:

• Chlorides

• Sulfates

• Nitrates

• Fluorides

• Sodium

• Potassium

Both these wastes should be disposed of through authorized centers.

Further treatments of the concentrated liquids by evaporation will lead to the formation of a crystalline solid waste, to be properly disposed of either.

Crystallization occurs in a separate dedicated evaporator.

Of course not all solutions will lead to crystallized solids: for certain liquids, such as organic solutions, heavily concentrated may only be obtained, never leading to solid matter, unless using enormous amounts of heat.

On the contrary, if the original liquid is predominantly made of an inorganic nature, crystallization is feasible.



ECOZLD-ZN - Zero liquid Discharge in electrolitic Zinc Plating


ECOZLD-AL - Zero liquid Discharge in Aluminium Coating pretreatment


ECOZLD-CRH - Zero liquid Discharge in Hard Chrome plating 


Sludge treatment
Sludge drying
Control and process optimization


Sede Legale ed Operativa
- Via del Padule 23/F - 50018 Scandicci - FIRENZE - ITALY - Tel. + - Fax + - info@ecoteam.it



2021 News N°3

2021: New order in the aeronautical sector


2020-Oct: Scraped type heat pump evaporator model ECOCR1500 destination France

2022 News N°4

2022-March: Evaporator with mechanical vapor recompression, the new model gives excellent results in terms of electricity consumption

2021 News N°4

New order for 3,000 l/d heat pump scraped evaporator

2022 News N°3

2022-March: Ecoteam approves the 2021 financial statements, a result in line with previous years

2022 News N°2

2022-March: New contract for a zero discharge purification plant in the aeronautical sector

2022 News N°1

2022-March: New Order from international customer (4th plant with Ecoteam)

Export 3

2015-October: Delivered evaporator ECOCV30000 for Russian federation

Export 2

2015-October: Delivered supply for UEA

Italy N°2

2015-October: Successfully started Automotive wastewater plant

2021 News N°5

New order for 2 vacuum evaporators with mechanical vapor recompression


Ecoteam share capital at 1.000.000 Euro i.v.
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